Memorial page

The Pomeroy family would love for you to leave a message, remembering Morgan, using the comment form below.

A watercolour painting of an oak tree

An oak tree was planted for Mo in the Memorial Forest at the Countess of Chester Country Park. The Park is across the road from where Morgan lived for nearly 15 years, and the family often walked there. In his last years at Dee Banks School, Morgan was in Oak Class. And appropriately enough, the tree symbolises strength and nobility, traits Mo had in spades.

The trees are laid out roughly numerically. Morgan’s is number CHR114. You are welcome to visit, but please note that the ground is uneven and can at times be quite waterlogged!

The charity responsible for the Memorial Forest asks people not to leave tributes on or near the trees. The charity writes:

Q: Can I leave items or flowers at the memorial tree or bench?

A: No. Whilst we do permit the dedication of certain wildflowers and woodland plants, it is very important that clients understand that it is not permitted to create shrines around a tree in a Life for a Life Memorial Forest. There are many reasons why we do not let this happen.

Our aim is to create beautiful, well managed Forests of Remembrance. Our forests are not graveyards or cemeteries, and with this in mind, we do not permit items to be placed around the tree that would not occur naturally in this environment. This includes photographs, toys, cards, poems or cut flowers. Even decorative rocks and pebbles can cause damage to our machinery which is not only dangerous but is then very costly to repair. Hanging items on or around the trees can cause damage to the branches or trunk which may mean that your tree will have to be replaced in the future.

Please contact the office if you would like a list of acceptable wildflowers or woodland plants that can be added to your plot.

21 responses to “Memorial page”

  1. A mighty Oak for a truly Mighty young man. Your strength, courage and determination are truly an inspiration. Anyone who ever had the pleasure of meeting you and being lucky enough to spend time with you were indeed blessed. Your smile had the ability to light up the room and through the most difficult times you still had that beautiful smile and cheeky look in your eyes. I will be forever thankful to have had the privilege to care for you and your family.

    1. Dearest Mo
      I am the luckiest person to have been able to share so many years by your side. We did not need words, your beaming smile and a lift of an eyebrow was enough to create years of memorable moments. I will always have a place for you in my heart and I will carry that smile of yours for many years to come. You taught us all what love really is especially me. I will be sure to visit you soon. Thank you for allowing me to be apart of your word. All my love Jennie xxx

  2. Oh Morgan, so many things to say about the amazing young man you were!! Your cheeky smile & the famous eyebrow, you always knew how to tell us what you needed! Thank you for letting me look after you – it really was a privilege & something I’ll never forget!! Sleep tight gorgeous boy xxxxx

  3. Cath Pendlebury avatar
    Cath Pendlebury

    Well Morgan what an absolute privilege it was to look after and share special times with you. A few favourite moments for me were to see you relaxed after a foot spa and massage plus sharing The Story Orchestra books with you.
    You always showed great bravery and strength no matter what with lots of smiles along the way.

    Always a place in my heart for you.

    God bless and sleep tight Mo xxxx

  4. Well mr gorgeous what can I say you were part of my life for so long the gorgeous smiles the eyebrow the sounds the special moments we have shared over the years will always be in my heart, as you will always be in my heart. Your bravery and strength was astonishing Thankyou for allowing me the privilege of being your carer love you always xxx

  5. Mo,
    Your smile lit up the room, your big brown eyes and cheeky eyebrow had us all falling in love.
    You really are amazing Mo, I feel so lucky to have met you.
    It was a privilege to help care for you and I will treasure all the memories forever, especially how much you enjoyed having your hair washed and having your hands & feet massaged.
    You will always have a special place in my heart Mo
    Lots of love xxxx

  6. Morgan, although I was your TA for just a couple of years, you left your mark in my heart.
    That big beaming smile, especially when a booming drum or a squeaky pig was involved was a delight to see.
    You have and will continue to be missed both in Oak class and in the wider school. You will never be forgotten and I am honoured to have been able to know you.
    Rest in eternal peace Mo. All our love xxx

  7. Colinjdickinson avatar

    I will cherish every conversation we had on Sunday mornings.
    I used to look out for you especially for those moments.your eyes spoke to parts of my heart I never knew existed.until we meet again my mate.
    Love and hugs
    Col XX

  8. We didn’t know Mo but know you as a family from church. Thank you for sharing these beautiful photos of Mo. You are an amazing family and a real testimony of Gods love and grace. Indeed Heaven has just received a beautiful gift in Mo.

  9. Gorgeous Mo, or Morgan as James would insist.

    Whilst circumstances over the last month/years have meant we didn’t see you in person half as much as we would have liked it’s hard to believe you’re not just around the corner.

    You brought such joy and huge smiles, a love for delicious home cooked meals, a delight in music and love for Geoff Brown’s voice (well it is very loud!) Always smart and well dressed (credit to mum and dad for sure).

    Your courage and bravery is astonishing and remarkable.

    Your presence in a room was always felt, and I remember those gorgeous curls and smiles sat snuggled into the purple leather armchair when we would visit you and the family in your younger years.

    We look forward to celebrating in heaven when we meet again and all tears will turn to rejoicing xx

  10. Mo ,
    Although we didn’t have a chance to know you closely, but we know how much you were loved and cherished by the most amazing , loving dedicated parents I have ever seen , you will always be remembered by your gorgeous smile and astonishingly brave soul . Rest in peace gorgeous Mo

  11. Lesa Chappell avatar
    Lesa Chappell

    The first time I saw you my heart melted. You looked so tiny in that big cot on the children’s ward. You curled up on my knee and spent a lot of time in that unique curled up position.
    Finally coming home with James to start family life was such a great day.
    You had a wonderful cheeky giggle and laughed so much when tickled. Bath time was fun and you loved listening to singing and stories.
    I loved spending time with you and was so happy to meet you again when you visited Claire House for your little stays. You were still the cheeky cute Mo I loved and so very handsome.
    Your life journey was challenging but you faced it with courage and determination,as did your amazing and inspirational family.
    There will always be a very special place in my heart for you .
    Love always
    Lesa xx

  12. Morgan, I never had the pleasure of meeting you . However your mummy was my primary school teacher over 28 years ago & I always remembered her . She had the sweetest soul & I truly know this was passed onto you. You will be missed however I know you won’t miss a thing as you will always be around comforting your family . You really are a wonderful person and & I’d expect nothing less from having a mum & dad like yours. I hope to meet you one day, for now be at peace xxx

  13. Felt so privileged to spend some time with you Mo – back rubs and head rubs seemed to be a enjoyed. A very special young man who will be greatly missed by us all. Good night and god bless Mr.Mo xx

  14. Lesley & Nick avatar
    Lesley & Nick

    We feel privileged to have shared some of Morgan’s life with you. And I know that Morgan & Patrick shared many special times together too. Lying on the playmate at Dee Banks School under the lights, with Mo reaching out to Patrick. There was a special bond between the two of them ❤️ & one that will continue in our hearts forever.
    Much love xx

  15. My Morgan, I feel so privilege to have watched you grow and be so strong and amazing! I’m very grateful for every moment I spent with you and the welcome smile I often received I’m sure you was thinking what’s Becky got in her bag of tricks today to entertain me!

    We shared So many smiles and fun times, these and every moment I hold dear, thanks Mo for letting me care for you, for lighting up the room with your smile and I hope you knew how very special you are to me!

    You will be forever missed and always in my heart ❤️
    Love you Always Mo, My Mr brave xxx

  16. We didn’t know Mo for long but every time he was in at church service, his smile was infectious and his bravery in coping with pain inspiring. A true Pomeroy indeed!
    There is a comfort in knowing Mo is now free of pain and fully enjoying the glory of his new heavenly body and home, but his loss is felt by all of us deeply.
    Our love goes to Sharon, Rob and James at this time and always,
    Martina Robert & family

  17. Beautiful Mo, what a courageous and brave young man. Your laughter, your smile and those big eyes! What a journey, thankful to have been a small part of your life. Rest is peace. Much love

  18. Natalie Davenport avatar
    Natalie Davenport

    Oh Handsome Morgan, what a wonderful boy and young man you are – I’m going to miss your delightful smile, giggles and your attentive listening ear. It has been a pleasure to have been involved in some small ways in your life…From the prayers and thoughts while you were in ICU as a baby with James. The early haircuts where you would squirm and have us all giggling in your younger years and later in your teens in the times you joined us as we listened and prayed together in house group. I asked the Lord to keep you together with your twin brother – for you both to know and to have a life together. I’m thankful to ‘God Our Father’ that you both had almost 20 years of that. ❤️ Honor must go to your amazing parents for their love, determination, dedication to you both and to James for helping you, all the family showed bravery during the hard times. Mostly to you Mo – you had amazing resilience and strength to endure all that you did for so long and it is testament to the love you had for your family and friends. Until we meet again…love Natalie, Elliott & Jacob xxx

  19. Lizzie Williams avatar
    Lizzie Williams

    Gorgeous Mo!
    We are so grateful to have known you on this earth and will forever remember your gorgeous smiles and happy noises during worship at Northgate Church.
    We remember visiting you many times at your home on Parkgate Road and I was so blessed by being able to sleep there on many occassions and gain a small insight into the daily life of your family; such love, devotion and commitment to one another to a depth I’ve simply not witnessed anywhere else.
    Dave and I remember how much James loved talking about you and taking us into your room as he simply loved being with you and watching life from your window. We want to thank you for the window you showed us to our heavenly Father Mo – you have shown us how deeply God cares, how much He delights in His creation and how committed He is to holding us. Thank you.
    We know that God will be pouring out His love and blessings upon you right now and we are so grateful that we have witnessed your bravery and strength here. We look forward to the day we will meet you again in glory.
    Much love, Dave, Lizzie, Lucy and Oriana xxx

  20. Natasha Ebbrell avatar
    Natasha Ebbrell

    Just came across the news that lovely Mo passed away in Feb this year. How heartbreaking I’m so sorry to hear this. Mo was an absolute delight to be around and I miss him dearly. Thinking of Rob, Sharon, James and the wider family. Lots of love, Natasha x

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